To Become Famous Singer

some people want to become singers and some don't singers, but they don't necessarily want to be famous - they're known well locally or within a specific genre. But maybe you want it all. Well, in order to become a famous singer, you need to have self-confidence and determination.
  • Learn how to pursue singing as a career, not just as a hobby. That's not all there is to it, no matter what anybody else says. if someone says you have a bad voice don't listen say my voice is fine
  • Be determined. There's a lot of competition out there--millions of people . If you are able to write a poem that you and other people can relate to, then you have yourself a song. All you need is to figure out what notes to sing, and what adornments to add in.
  • Take risks. The most famous singers (Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Leona Lewis, Janet Jackson, Avril Lavigne, etc.) weren't afraid to do things that would draw attention and create controversy. They always manage to leave people wondering what they'll do next.
  • Become a publicity hound. Eat, breathe, and sleep attention. Look for photo ops. Speak up. Swipe up any chance to shake up the spotlight. Make yourself known.
  • Find the connections. Be in the places where big musicians/producers meet (clubs, dance halls)and act like you're part of the industry even if they don't know who you are.
  • Learn about music industry business to not get fooled.
  • Practice. Remember that practice makes perfect (and FAMOUS!).
  • You can upload your video to sites like, but remember, amazing singers that just pop up from nowhere are the best.
  • If a recording studio does not accept you, don't be afraid to try again.
  • Expose yourself as much as you can. Sing in every opportunity you get. But make sure you are truly good enough to become famous. Don't try so hard. Just be who you are, and who are you? A singing sensation! Always follow your dreams!
  • Be who you wanna be! Try your best!

  • You don't necessarily need to be a pretty singer-- Just be who you are.
  • Be a role model for younger kids if you're ages 12-16. They want to know what's right and what is wrong. They also want to know what's appropriate to wear and what's not good to wear. Plus, it sometimes will make adults realize why their kids shouldn't listen/watch someone, (like Amy Winehouse and other inappropriate stars etc.)
  • If you want to dress "shockingly" (i.e. Marilyn Manson) prepare yourself for rude comments. When you feel good where it out be in your one world. If you're not ready to do something like that, be a little more poppy and tween and remember always stay true to yourself, don't dress in a certain way thinking you'll get more fans.
  • Be nice to your fans. They are the reason that you're successful, so make sure you're polite and friendly.
  • Don't pay to much attention on what people think. People who are mean, are probably jealous.
Thanks to all the authors for contributing: Anonymous, Horses4Ever, Shayes, Tom Viren, Ben Rubenstein, Sondra C, aj, Krystle, Dave Crosby, Flickety, Sebdj2, Maniac, Lois Wade, Paul D, Alyssa L, Rockmonkey4004, Michael, Mel, Zoe Volt, Dominique, Dan Knows All, BR, Mike M, Chicablog, Maluniu, Towering Inferno, Richard O, Keyboard_Cat, Martyn P, Mimi , Just Another wikihow User, AbsrtactHeart, Bo, Luv_sarah, RoboticIdiot, Wyvernbait, NatureHasNoThumbs, Jack H, Meta Knight, Username152, Stealthy72, Mop and Bucket, Sara2871, Glutted, Kate Sharr, Bloody_Ice, Caroline, KaminL, Leona, Mountain Dew, AlienBoy, 94, LinkTool, Difu Wu, Lillian A (see all)

Source: Wikihow

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